Executive Committee Meetings

March 12, 2025

Join the meeting LINK 
Meeting ID: 229 848 095 431
Passcode: nC7Mk9mS
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Draft Agenda
  1. Call to Order & Welcome - Commissioner Kinney, Chair 
    1. Roll Call - Commissioner House, Secretary 
      1. (  ) Commissioner Kraig Kinney [IN], Chair                
      2. (  ) Commissioner Wayne Denny [ID], Vice Chair 
      3. (  ) Commissioner Joe House [KS], Secretary 
      4. (  ) Commissioner Brad Vande Lune [IA], Treasurer                                                   
      5. (  ) Commissioner Aaron Koehler [WY], Member-at-Large 
      6. (  ) Commissioner Joe Schmider [TX], Immediate Past Chair 
  2. Public Comment
    1. Matters Not on the Agenda – Kinney 
  3. Old Business 
    1. February 2024 Meeting Summary – House
    2. Stakeholder Advisory Committee Status / Update –Woodyard
  4. Reports
    1. Treasurer’s Report – Vande Lune
    2. Chair’s Report – Kinney
    3. Bylaws & Rules Committee Report – Schmider
    4. Executive Director’s Report – Woodyard
    5. National EMS Coordinated Database Administrator Update – Ray Mollers
  5. New Business 
    1. Draft Resolution: EMS Week 2025– Woodyard
    2. Memo: New Working Group(s) – Woodyard
  6. Partner Organization Updates 
  7. Adjourn Meeting 


January 10, 2024

  1. Call to Order & Welcome - Commissioner Kinney, Chair 
    1. Roll Call - Commissioner House, Secretary 
      1. (  ) Commissioner Kraig Kinney [IN], Chair                
      2. (  ) Commissioner Wayne Denny [ID], Vice Chair 
      3. (  ) Commissioner Joe House [KS], Secretary 
      4. (  ) Commissioner Brad Vande Lune [IA], Treasurer                                                   
      5. (  ) Commissioner Aaron Koehler [WY], Member-at-Large 
      6. (  ) Commissioner Joe Schmider [TX], Immediate Past Chair 
  2. Public Comment
    1. Best Practice Medicine – Rob Wronski
    2. Matters Not on the Agenda - Kinney 
  3. Old Business 
    1. Workgroup: Privilege to Practice Code of Conduct
    2. Workgroup: EMS Workforce Privacy Protection
  4. Reports
    1. Treasurer’s Report- Vande Lune
    2. Chair’s Report – Kinney
    3. Bylaws & Rules Committee Report – Schmider
    4. Executive Director’s Report – Donnie Woodyard, Executive Director
    5. National EMS Coordinated Database Administrator Update – NREMT
  5. New Business 
    1. Commission Meeting: February 2024
  6. Partner Organization Updates 
  7. Adjourn Meeting 

November 1, 2023

  1. Call to Order & Welcome - Commissioner Kinney, Chair 
    1. Roll Call - Commissioner House, Secretary 
      1. (  ) Commissioner Kraig Kinney [IN], Chair                
      2. (  ) Commissioner Wayne Denny [ID], Vice Chair 
      3. (  ) Commissioner Joe House [KS], Secretary 
      4. (  ) Commissioner Brad Vande Lune [IA], Treasurer                                                   
      5. (  ) Commissioner Aaron Koehler [WY], Member-at-Large 
      6. (  ) Commissioner Joe Schmider [TX], Immediate Past Chair 
  1. Public Comments Regarding Matters Not on the Agenda - Kinney 
  2. Old Business 
    1. Action: Review September 2023 Meeting Summary - House 
  3. New Business 
    1. Treasurer’s Report- Vande Lune
    2. Chair’s Report - Kinney
    3. Executive Director’s Report – Donnie Woodyard, Executive Director
    4. Review / Approve Meeting Agenda and Meeting Book for Q4-2023 Full Commission Meeting
  4. National EMS Coordinated Database Administrator Update – NREMT
  5. Partner Organization Updates 
  6. Adjourn Meeting 

September 6, 2023

View the Meeting Recording

Executive Committee Agenda
Location: Virtual Attendance Only                                                                                  Date: September 6, 2023
  1. Call to Order & Welcome - Commissioner Kinney, Chair 
    1. Roll Call - Commissioner House, Secretary 
      1. (  ) Commissioner Kraig Kinney [IN], Chair                
      2. (  ) Commissioner Wayne Denny [ID], Vice Chair 
      3. (  ) Commissioner Joe House [KS], Secretary 
      4. (  ) Commissioner Brad Vande Lune [IA], Treasurer                                                   
      5. (  ) Commissioner Aaron Koehler [WY], Member-at-Large 
      6. (  ) Commissioner Joe Schmider [TX], Immediate Past Chair 
  2. Public Comments Regarding Matters Not on the Agenda - Kinney 
  3. Old Business 
    1. Action: Review August 2023 Meeting Summary - House 
  4. New Business 
    1. Treasurer’s Report- Vande Lune
    2. Chair’s Report - Kinney
    3. Executive Director’s Report – Donnie Woodyard, Executive Director
  5. National EMS Coordinated Database Administrator Update – NREMT
  6. Partner Organization Updates 
  7. Adjourn Meeting 

August 2, 2023


View the Meeting Recording:  Download

Executive Committee Agenda

Date: August 2, 2023
Time: 3:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) 
Location: Virtual Attendance Only
I. Call to Order & Welcome - Commissioner Kinney, Chair a. Roll Call - Commissioner House, Secretary

  1. ( ) Commissioner Kraig Kinney [IN], Chair

  2. ( ) Commissioner Wayne Denny [ID], Vice Chair

  3. ( ) Commissioner Joe House [KS], Secretary

  4. ( ) Commissioner Brad Vande Lune [IA], Treasurer

  5. ( ) Commissioner Aaron Koehler [WY], Member-at-Large

  6. ( ) Commissioner Joe Schmider [TX], Immediate Past Chair

  1. Public Comments Regarding Matters Not on the Agenda - Kinney

  2. Old Business

a. Action: Review and approve July 2023 Meeting Minutes - House

  1. New Business

    1. Treasurer’s Report- Vande Lune

    2. Chair’s Report - Kinney

      1. Committee Appointments

        1. Rules & Bylaws Committee

        2. Budget / Finance Committee

      2. Establishment of Work Groups

    3. Executive Director’s Report – Donnie Woodyard, Executive Director

      1. IRS Determination Letter

      2. Onboarding Status Update

      3. Commissioner Recognition

        1. Guy Dansie (Utah)

        2. Diane McGinnis-Hainsworth (Delaware)

      4. Recognition of new Commissioners:

        1. Bobbie Sullivan (Nevada)

        2. Mark Herrera (Utah)

      5. Review Future Meeting Dates / Schedule (as distributed)

  2. National EMS Coordinated Database Administrator Update – NREMT

  3. Partner Organization Updates

VII. Adjourn Meeting

This is the regularly scheduled monthly meeting for the Executive Committee of the Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice.   This meeting is open to all Commissioners, State EMS Officials, stakeholders, and the public. All are invited and encouraged to attend. Public comments and reports not specifically on the agenda are limited to 2 minutes each.

November 5, 2021



Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice

Pursuant to Section 10 Subsection B.4. of the Recognition of EMS Personnel Interstate Licensure Compact (REPLICA), and Article VII. Committees, Section 1 of the Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice Bylaws, we hereby provide notice of the Executive Committee’s intent to meet.  

•    Welcome
•    Call meeting to order, roll call
•    Review of agenda
•    Review and approve minutes from October 1, EC Meeting (Joe House)
•    Treasurer's Report (Wayne Denny)
•    Chair Report (Joe Schmider)
•    Executive Director update (Ray Mollers)
•    NREMT Update (Alan Arguello)
•    Educator Report (Dan Manz)
•    Other business
         Committee update (Ray Mollers)
•    Next EC meeting December 3rd, 2021, at 15:00 (EST)
•    Adjourn Meeting

March 9, 2018

Virtual Meeting - Zoom

February 23, 2018

Virtual Meeting - Zoom

February 9, 2018

Virtual Meeting - Zoom

January 26, 2018

Virtual Meeting - Zoom

January 12, 2018

Virtual Meeting - Zoom

December 29, 2017

December 1, 2017

November 10, 2017

October 27, 2017

Meeting Minutes