Quick Verify EMS Status

Quick Verify is a simple tool that displays Home State(s) license information (level, expiration date, status, and issuing state) and the Privilege to Practice status for individual EMS personnel licensed in one or more EMS Compact Member States. The Quick Verify tool requires the National EMS ID number.  

NOTE: Some Compact States are still implementing the technology required to integrate with the National EMS Coordinated Database.  For the current status of each state, view the NEMSCD status page.

What is an EMS ID? 

  • The EMS-ID is a unique 12-digit identification number (####-####-####) issued to all EMS professionals by the National Registry. An individual's EMS ID can be located by logging into your account on the National Registry website or contacting your State EMS Office. Additional information about the EMS-ID is available here
  • Check your home state's database integration status here if your EMS ID is not found in NEMSCD. 

Sample Search Results

Sample Search Results