Commission Meetings

October 16, 2024


2024 Q4 Meeting

The Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice will be holding a Full Commission Meeting on Wednesday, October 16, at 3:00 PM ET. The agenda for this meeting includes the election of three Executive Committee positions: Chair, Treasurer, and Member At Large, in accordance with the Commission's bylaws.
Additionally, the Commission will be considering the adoption of a position paper on the Professional Code of Conduct for EMS Clinicians utilizing the Privilege to Practice.

Public stakeholders wishing to make a formal presentation to the Commission should submit their request in writing to the Executive Director by October 14. Requests should be sent via email to donnie.woodyard[at] Non-agenda speakers will also have the opportunity to provide a two-minute public comment at the designated time on the agenda.

This meeting is open to the public, and all interested parties are encouraged to attend. 

June 5, 2024



Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice

Date of Issuance: March 28, 2024

Subject: Amendment of Rule 11.2 - Uniform Data Set for the EMS Coordinated Database

Statement of Purpose of Proposed Rule Change:

The Interstate Commission for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Personnel Practice announces proposed amendments to Rule 11.2 regarding the Uniform Data Set required for submission to the National EMS Coordinated Database by EMS Compact member states. The objective of these amendments is to ensure uniformity and comprehensiveness of the data set to ensure all EMS Compact Member States are able to better coordinate and manage EMS personnel across states.

Redline Proposed Changes to Rule 11.2 - Uniform Data Set:

11.2     Uniform Data Set. Member states must submit the following uniform data set to the coordinated database at the frequency indicated.
(A)    Identifying information. The following information for each individual who is licensed must be reported within ten (10) business days of completion of licensure application process. Any changes must be reported within ten (10) business days of the change being processed by the member state.
(1)    Full legal name (first, middle, last); and
(2)    suffix (if applicable); and
(3)    date of birth (month, day, year); and
(4)    Mailing address; and
(5)    eMail address; and
(6)    Phone number; and
(7)    identification number (one or both of the following): 
(a)    Social Security Number 
(b)    National EMS ID number.

Public Hearing and Meeting:

A public rule-making hearing and meeting will be held to discuss these proposed changes:

  • Date: Wednesday, June 5
  • Time: 4:30 PM Eastern Time
  • Format: Public Meeting

Participation Details:  Microsoft Teams

Submission of Comments and Requests to Address the Commission:

Written comments are welcomed and should be submitted by June 4. Individuals wishing to address the Commission must submit their request in writing to the Executive Director of the Commission by the same date.

Contact for Submissions:

  • Executive Director: Donnie Woodyard, Jr
  • Email: donnie.woodyard [@] 

Additional Information:

This public notice represents the Commission's commitment to enhancing the EMS system's effectiveness. We value the contributions of all stakeholders in this important rule-making process.

End of Notice

May 14, 2024

Q2 2024 Meeting Agenda

Location:         Omni William Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA, Conference Center B
Date:                May 14, 2024

Time:               2:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)
  1. Call to Order & Welcome - Commissioner Kinney (IN), Chair 
    1. Commissioner Roll Call - Commissioner House (KS), Secretary 
    2. Declare Quorum Present - Kinney
    3. Introduce New Commissioners - Kinney 
    4. Adopt Business Agenda - Kinney 
  1. Public Comments Regarding Matters Not on the Agenda - Kinney 
  1. Old Business 
    1. Action: Review January 2024 (Q1) Meeting Minutes - House 
  1. New Business 
    1. Treasurer’s Report- Commissioner Vande Lune (IA)
    2. Chair’s Report - Kinney
    3. Establish Nominating Committee –Kinney
    4. Executive Director’s Report – Donnie Woodyard, Executive Director
      1. Privilege to Practice Memo
    5. National EMS Coordinated Database, Administrator Update – Ray Mollers, NREMT
    6. Bylaws & Rules Committee Update – Commissioner Joe Schmider [TX]
    7. State Roundtable Commissioner Updates – All Commissioners
      1. Compact Implementation
      2. Status of Compliance with Statute and Administrative Rules
      3. Challenges / Opportunities
  1. Federal Partners Update
  1. NGO & Professional Organizations Update
  1. Adjourn Meeting 
** Executive Session of the Commission to immediately follow adjournment of the public meeting.**

Meeting Norms: 
To allow for equal participation by all attendees during the meeting, please note the following guidelines for all attendees: 
  • Public Attendees: 
  • Public attendance is encouraged. 
  • Members of the public may request to speak during public comment periods.  Once recognized by the Chair public attendees should announce their name and organization before speaking. Public comments are limited to two minutes or less.
*All times are approximate.  

June 21, 2022

Hosted at the NASEMSO Annual Meeting, Charleston Marriott, Charleston, SC
NASEMSO Annual Meeting Agenda
All attendees to the event are welcome, in-person participation only.
This is a Working Meeing, No Official Business will be conducted, as a reminder:
  • The next Full Commission Meeting, September 29, 2022, at 3 pm Eastern Time
  • All Commission meetings shall be open to the public except as set forth in the Compact Section 10, B, 5.
  • A (60) day written notice shall be given when proposed rules will be considered and voted on by the Commission.

September 23, 2021

Virtual Meeting - Zoom
Fall Commission Meeting
Coming Soon
Draft Rules
Posted 9/24/2021

Rules Hearing Information

Public comment form for the proposed rules of the Interstate Commission for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Personnel Practice. In accordance with the Interstate Commission for Emergency Medical Services Personnel Practice, Rule on Rulemaking, Section 1.4, "All written comments received by the Rules Committee on proposed rules shall be posted on the Commission's website upon receipt."

  • Rules for the Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice 
    • The reason for this proposed rule- This rule is an update to previously adopted rules for operations of the National EMS Compact Database by the member states of the Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice. Specifically, this rule provides clarification on member state responsibilities and a mechanism to validate member states are in compliance with EMS Compact legislation and rules. 
    • Public Hearing Date: September 23, 2021
    • Public Written Comment Closure Date: September 1, 2021
    • Statement of Public Notice
    • Download Draft Rules (PDF)
  • View public comments submitted on this rule

April 9, 2021


Rules Hearing Information

Public comment form for the proposed rules of the Interstate Commission for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Personnel Practice. In accordance with the Interstate Commission for Emergency Medical Services Personnel Practice, Rule on Rulemaking, Section 1.4, "All written comments received by the Rules Committee on proposed rules shall be posted on the Commission's website upon receipt."

February 2021

  • Rules for the Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice (Version- Effective June 16, 2020
    • The reason for this proposed rule- This rule is an update to previously adopted rules for operations of the National EMS Compact Database by the member states of the Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice. Specifically, this rule deletes Section 11.7 of the existing Rules and adjusts portions of Section 4 for consistency.
    • Public Hearing Date: April 9, 2021 (1500 EST)
    • Public Written Comment Closure Date: March 8, 2021
    • Statement of Public Notice
    • Download Draft Rules (PDF)
  • View public comments submitted on this rule

June 16, 2020


Rules Hearing Information

April 2020 (The public notice period for this rule has expired. The information below is provided for historic purposes.)

  • Rules for the Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice (Draft Published 13 APR 2020)
    • The reason for this proposed rule- This rule is an update to previously adopted rules for operations of the national EMS Compact by the member states represented on the Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice. Specifically, this rule clarifies limitations on the sharing of Criminal History Record Information as defined in 28 C.F.R. §20.3 in a manner that is prohibited by law.
    • Public Hearing Date: June 16, 2020 (0900 MDT)
    • Public Written Comment Closure Date: May 16, 2020
    • Statement of Public Notice
    • Download Draft Rules (PDF)
  • View public comments submitted on this rule

May 16-17, 2019


Rules Hearing Information

March 2019 (The public notice period for this rule has expired. The information below is provided for historic purposes.)

  • Rules for the Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice (Draft Published 15 MAR 2019)
    • The reason for this proposed rule- These rules are to implement the operations of the national EMS Compact by the member states represented on the Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice. Specifically, these rules will enable the interstate practice of EMS personnel as authorized in each state’s EMS Compact legislation and establish the data elements and procedures for operation of the coordinated database as called for in the EMS Compact legislation.
    • Public Hearing Date: May 17, 2019 (0900 MDT)
    • Public Written Comment Closure Date: May 16, 2019
    • Statement of Public Notice
    • Download Draft Rules (PDF)
  • View public comments submitted on this rule