Federal Advisory Committee

Federal Advisory Committee of the Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice

History of the Committee

The Federal Advisory Committee was formally established by the Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice (EMS Compact) on October 16, 2024. This committee was created to enhance collaboration between the Commission and key federal stakeholders involved in emergency medical services (EMS) and public safety. The Commission is actively working to establish the membership for this committee, with meetings anticipated in Q1 or Q2 of 2025.

Purpose of the Committee

The Federal Advisory Committee serves as an advisory body to the Commission, offering valuable input on federal issues that impact the interstate practice of EMS clinicians. The committee facilitates strong intergovernmental collaboration, allowing the Commission to engage directly with federal agencies on matters related to EMS personnel practice, public safety, national security, and public health. While advisory in nature, this committee plays a critical role in shaping the Commission’s approach to regulation and policy coordination related to the interstate practice of EMS in the United States.

Specifically, this committee will provide significant value by:

  1. Enhancing Collaboration: Ensuring a formal forum for collaboration between the Commission and federal agencies on EMS personnel practice across state lines.
  2. Engaging Stakeholders: Formalizing channels for federal agencies to share expertise, insights, and accurate information about the EMS Compact.
  3. Supporting Strategic Decision-Making: Offering the Commission guidance on emerging trends, regulatory challenges, and national security issues that impact EMS personnel.

Legislative Authority

The authority to establish the Federal Advisory Committee is derived from Section 10.D. of the EMS Compact model legislation (REPLICA). This section grants the Commission the authority to "appoint committees as necessary," allowing it to create advisory groups to assist in carrying out the Compact’s mission. The Federal Advisory Committee operates under this authority, facilitating collaboration with federal entities and providing guidance on matters impacting interstate EMS practice.

Exemption from the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)

The EMS Compact's Commission is exempt from the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA). This is because the Commission is a governmental body established by state legislation under the provisions of Compact Clause of the U.S. Constitution. The Commission, nor the Committees of the Commission, are an advisory body to the federal government. Therefore, FACA, which applies to committees advising federal agencies or officers, does not apply to Interstate Compact Commissions. The advice provided by the EMS Compact's Federal Advisory Committee is solely directed to the EMS Compact Commission.


The Federal Advisory Committee consists of representatives from federal offices and agencies that play a critical role in EMS oversight and public safety.  The committee will meet no less than twice annually, with additional meetings scheduled as needed. Meetings will primarily be held virtually, with the option of in-person meetings at national EMS conferences if appropriate representation is anticipated.

Transparency and Participation

As a governmental body, the Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice operates with full transparency. The Commission encourages participation from federal entities with an interest in EMS, public safety, and interstate clinician practice. If your federal agency or office is not currently recognized as part of the Federal Advisory Committee but would like to participate, please contact the Executive Director with a formal letter of request.