EMS Compact Launches Privilege to Practice Verification & New Website
On November 1, 2021, the EMS Compact launched a website and a new tool for EMS providers, employers, and the public to quickly validate an individual EMS provider's Privilege to Practice and Home State license.
According to Ray Mollers, the Executive Director of the EMS Compact Commission, "The new website (www.EMSCompact.gov) not only includes a new Privilege to Practice validation widget, but the website also features a complete redesign, additional information for EMS providers, employers, and stakeholders. States interested in joining the EMS Compact now have easy access to the Compact Model Legislation, legal advisory opinions, and a robust FAQ. The new website also enhances the EMS Compact's committment to transparency and collaboration."
For EMS providers and employers, the new Privilege to Practice widget - powered by the compact's National EMS Coordinate Database - will display the real-time 'Home State' EMS license information (for EMS providers licensed in an EMS Compact Member State), and the individual's Privilege to Practice. The search results are based on the National EMD ID number.
The National EMS ID number, created in partnership between the EMS Compact and the National Registry in 2020, is a unique 12-digit identification number that is automatically generated with an individual seeks National EMS Certification or state licensure. Today, over two-million unique EMS ID have been created.
Donnie Woodyard, Jr., the Vice Chair of the EMS Compact Commission noted that "The ability for an EMS provider or employer to enter one identification number and view EMS licensure data from over 20 states and the EMS Compact instantly is a gigantic leap forward for the EMS profession."
According to Ray Mollers, the Executive Director of the EMS Compact Commission, "The new website (www.EMSCompact.gov) not only includes a new Privilege to Practice validation widget, but the website also features a complete redesign, additional information for EMS providers, employers, and stakeholders. States interested in joining the EMS Compact now have easy access to the Compact Model Legislation, legal advisory opinions, and a robust FAQ. The new website also enhances the EMS Compact's committment to transparency and collaboration."

The National EMS ID number, created in partnership between the EMS Compact and the National Registry in 2020, is a unique 12-digit identification number that is automatically generated with an individual seeks National EMS Certification or state licensure. Today, over two-million unique EMS ID have been created.
Donnie Woodyard, Jr., the Vice Chair of the EMS Compact Commission noted that "The ability for an EMS provider or employer to enter one identification number and view EMS licensure data from over 20 states and the EMS Compact instantly is a gigantic leap forward for the EMS profession."